Secondly, yesterday was Mother's Day, which means Mothers everywhere were lavished with praise, love, champagne, food, chocolate, sun, mosquitoes, bicycles, whatever. Mother's Day-- a well deserved special day for you. Mothers, my hat is off to you. You somehow know things that Daddies never will--hereby saving our behinds from pending parenthood disasters daily. Without you we'd be feeding babies pop and hot dogs, surfing the web for how to diaper, likely in E.R. more often, and generally miserable and even grumpier without you.
To The Dairy Queen and the moms in my life. We love you and are eternally grateful for your sacrifice for us as babies and as fathers (not much difference between the two). You are our rock. EGB says in her special Mother's Day shout out, "hi, hi, hi, dog-gie, dada, nana, nana, hi, hi" which translates to, "Thankfully the stars and moon aligned themselves to end up in this wild monkey chamber with you as my mom. Plus you can sing real good, which makes me the envy of my classmates whose mamas sing like dogs in heat."
The other day I decided to kick open the bedroom door with a camera and lights to see what EGB was really up to. Hence the following picture....
Doh! Papa! I'm just dancin waiting for you to play with me.
Calvin the Orange Ganster and I are ready to be taken out of captivity to run free in the wild. Grab your keys and let's go!
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