EGB News

Sharing Is Cool

Thursday, January 13, 2011

This Is My Message To You


It's 2011 you maniacs.  Lots of awesome has gone down since we last convened.  Skiing/sledding in Montana, New Years Eve, new songs, spells, New Year resolutions come and gone, family, dance parties, snow, cookies, a new cousin/niece.......Welcome to the party Frances Helena, we waited a long time for you, but when it was time to arrive, it was TIME girl.  However, we're glad you waited until the warm confines of the hospital.  A highway in Chicago just ain't the most glorious introduction to the world.  Ellie has some messages for you, but they're encrypted by some ancient toddler speak. So I guess you'll be receiving some instructions via an invisible communique shortly.  In the meantime, she's fervently working on your new website and fan club, "Frans Fans" which will have a Twitter feed and diaper giveaways.  You'll be star and free from bondage shortly.  Warm milk on the shores of some unnamed Caribbean island await you.  And for the rest of you, so do some more updates--but you'll have to wait.

Speaking of stars.  EGB is a hot-pink-super-nova-black-hole of infinite party.  In light of all the violence in the world that becomes all the more apparent in our instant news reality, EGB has crafted a message.  It's not hers.  Actually, maybe it is.  She's jacked up the lyrics so bad that I think she could get her own credit on this one.  Anyway, it's from the legend Bob Marley, who like many other greats left us too early and ended up on way too many posters in freshman dorm rooms.  Regardless,  EGB took it upon herself to address the state of affairs, overall discourse, and general lack of love between our world citizens and say/sing...."Everything Is Gonna Be Alright".

(Everything with the exception of that EGB hairdo--I have some serious concerns.  A bald eagle was in there the other day and decided to bounce because it was way too dark and damp in that fur helmet to raise an egg.  As she was flying away, she gave me a look like, "Damn, dad.  Comb that child's dome.  I'm going to find a tree. Go USA."  So I just rented a front-end loader with a rake on the front.  I'm combing it out.  Pictures to come.)

Back to the video.  As you'll see she starts out a bit diva-ish, but quickly works it out in the spirit of world peace and under the promise of cookies in return. I'm proud of our little diplomatic ambassador.  She's leading the way for other 2.5 year olds in the art of diplomacy.  I'll have to say from first hand experience, she's a tough negotiator, but fair.  But most of all she's funny as hell.  That seems to help her cause.  EGB for president of something really soon.  (video is on the blog for you emailers)